Glenn Currier
Official Website of this poet, writer, and thinker.
Moments of whimsey, love, and inspiration
If you are fairly new to poetry or want to understand my approach to it click here and read this first.
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Copyright 2023 by Glenn Currier
Heart of a Woman Print this poem only
By Glenn Currier
Slender and humble in its youth
the oak grew in moist earth near the bayou.
Roots pierced the dark land
ate the rich gumbo
silently morphed facets of soil
into a heart
with unexposed power and poise.
Across the bayou
on a screened porch
a young girl watched the new rain
make puffs of dust in the dirt
she daydreamed in the drifts of clouds
and wondered where they were born.
A young man and his friend
off the beaten path of their travels
found the town pool.
Swimming, he saw the beautiful girl
perched above the deep end
and across longitudes and latitudes
of loving, laughing, and weeping
they birthed and raised a family.
The bark’s ridges and gaps reveal
centuries of storms and floods
the oak’s long limbs laden
with life, wisdom, and altered environments.
These two entwined lives enriched
by learning and prodigious practice
their wine a vintage
of passionate enchantment
imbibed by thirsty learners
across decades beyond ordinary borders.
But she like the oak
with open arms
her strength born in good soil.
Hers is a rare power of gentle love
hers a courage born
of some cosmic connection
at the heart of her beautiful humanity.
Dedicated to my cousin Melanie on her eightieth birthday. Both of us born in the Durand line in southern Louisiana not too far from the Evangeline Oak with lives seemingly divergent but somehow parallel and ultimately connected, I think, by a power greater than ourselves.
- Written 2-7-23


Elizabeth Hobbs
Friend, poet and
lively creative
Chris Sorrenti
Poet, Philosopher
Congratulations to my friend Glenn Currier with the introduction of his new web-site. It already shows his professionalism and great sensitivity. This will be a plus to whoever happens to stumble on it accidentally or is directed to it by a friend. His poems are from the heart and very inspiring, entertaining, happy, sad, all emotions shown in such a beautiful and special way. What a plus for poetry!
What can I say about Glenn Currier? First off he is a warm and inviting individual. For which I am extremely grateful. His friendship means the world to me.
As far as his poetry goes, he is masterful with his words. I love the way he so easily intertwines motion and emotion into every poem. Subjects such as light and darkness, right and wrong, pain and joy, faith and the lack thereof... all dance together eagerly across the page, delighting the reader with wonderment and pondering. Like a cool drink of water, all are extremely refreshed. It's my most earnest wish that his inkwell remain full.
Thanks to a mutual love of Poetry, Glenn Currier and I first met online at the related website, Pathetic.org. As a kindred spirit, what strikes me the most about his writing is his ‘straight from the heart’ honesty in expressing emotions and experiences. His dedication to ‘the craft,’ has allowed him to become proficient in both Rhyme and Free Verse. As a result, I always look forward to his latest literary creations.
Chris Sorrenti (Ottawa, Canada)
James Kenneth Blalock, Poet, and author of
"Born With Our Clocks Running"

I write poetry for fun and fulfillment. Much of it has a spiritual theme because that is the emphasis in my life right now. I used to be a professional educator but my retirement, gratefully, has given me the time and space to nurture the creative and spiritual side of myself.
Some of my writing is about my relationships: with God, my wife, my friends, and family. I try to let my imagination reign. I write from the space of my dreams, feelings, experiences, and spirit. My love of music has contributed to my writing poetry.
I love flowers, trees, and natural beauty. As I look through my photos to insert in this site, many of the folders are from our travels and most of them are of landscapes, flora, and architectural features. There are scads of pictures of cats who have blessed our lives.
The "our" in the above description is me and my wife to whom I've been married since 1969. Many of my poems are about her and things I've learned from her and our relationship of more than 50 years. It is interesting to see how poems I write about my higher power often could also be addressed to my wife and soulmate, Helen.
More about my life

I write some rhyming poetry and enjoy inventing my own rhyming schemes, using internal rhymes as well as traditional end-of-line rhymes. I am not a great student of poetry form, etc. and in that sense I am definitely an amateur. I enjoy writing using a variety of approaches, allowing my creative spirit to move me. I write in blank verse and free verse, but also occasionally enjoy imposing a more traditional form on myself such as iambic pentameter or haiku.
Much of my poetry is on the websites pathetic.org and HelloPoetry.com and recently on AllPoetry.com. . On these sites I can not only publish my poems, I can also get feedback from other poets and their work for knowledge and inspiration. I enjoy making comments on their poems and have found that this interaction creates a sort of virtual community.
I do not often use fixed meter in my poems, instead, I rely on my own sense of rhythm in my writing. I suppose my background in and love of music has helped me in this regard.